Virtually Branded (VB) Scenes Workshop:

the 5-Minute Workshop Series

How To Turn a Single Testimonial

into 7 Branding-Building Testimonials

Part 1

First, let’s start by answering a simple question.  The answer is obvious but think about it.

You understand “the lifetime value of a customer”, but to get more customers, you also need to understand “the lifetime value of branding”.

You do NOT have to be a big brand, just be the brand people remember when they want or need what you have to offer.

So what’s the question

Which scene below is more likely to drive more customers to the branded business now and into the future?

Generic SceneBranded Scene

Drag the slider in the scene left and right.  They are basically the same scene but with one exceptional difference

The one on the left is a generic scene and the one on the right has been virtually branded (VB) making it infinitely more powerful because it increases the business’…

Brand Awareness


Brand Reinforcement


Brand Recognition


OK, with that understanding, here is how you can easily turn 1 testimonial into 7 brand-building testimonials that you can post anywhere and everywhere, over and over again with spaced-repetition.

The goal here is to connect your brand to positive messages to reinforce your brand recognition and awareness of what your brand represents.

MAKE YOUR BRAND—More Memorable And Meaningful Than Your Competition.

Part 2

Let’s start with the original testimonial.  With the right image, like the one above, the value, benefits, and reassurance conveyed in the words of the testimonial are consciously and subconsciously transferred to the brand in the scene.

*** Main Testimonial Begin  (1 of 7) ***

FB Mastery Challenge is not what you think. It’s better. Every day of the challenge was filled with practical, up-to-date information.

At first, I thought a couple of things were left out, but I found Trey did cover them after viewing the replays. I guess the fire-hose of information overtook my note-taking abilities, and there are a lot of things to take notes about, particularly after the second and third viewing.

Here’s my other two cents…

If you’re a newbie, FMC may seem a little overwhelming but in my opinion, that overwhelm is your brain being wired to bypass all the costly and time-consuming mistakes, traps, and pitfalls you have to go through if you were to go it alone.

If you know your way around Facebook ads but never really got any traction, the FB Mastery Challenge provides what you need to take your results to the next level. If you want to get all your ducks lined up in a row, the FMC points them all in the same direction before you say GO!

And if you are a seasoned expert, which I am not, I predict you will find a few golden nuggets of actionable information and, if nothing else, reaffirm your expert status because geniuses think alike.

In a sentence, “I recommend the FB Mastery Challenge to anyone serious about succeeding with Facebook advertising.”

Alec T.

*** Main Testimonial End ***

Ok, that’s one version of your testimonial.  Now you simply chunk it all down into bite-size, digestible snippets or bullet points you want your prospects to focus on.   After all, if a testimonial is too long, most people may never get through the whole thing and miss the best parts.

BUT, we’re about to create 6 more versions of your testimonial for a total of 7.  The BIG problem is for the best results, you need to include a visual element to make your testimonials attention-grabbing, and you likely don’t have 1 good generic image, let alone 7 great ones.

That’s the Secret Sauce VB Scenes Brings to the Table!

Here is how we chunked down the original testimonial into 6 bite-size snippets, and how you can turn them into a total of 7 brand-building testimonials.

All you need to do is come up with a ‘mind-framing’ introduction (see examples below) for each snippet.

Below are the 6 brand-building snippets we came up with using the original testimonial above.  You can see and feel the difference when you compare the generic scene to the branded scene.  You could quickly post something like this on Facebook, or any social media platform and your website, blog, and even print media.

(Testimonial 2 of 7)
Here’s a great point one of our students made about our FB Mastery Challenge
“…FB Mastery Challenge is not what you think.  It’s better.  Every day of the challenge was filled with practical, up-to-date information.”


(Testimonial 3 of 7)
This student was excited about the wealth of actionable information provided.
“…At first, I thought a couple of things were left out, but I found Trey did cover them after viewing the replays.  I guess the fire-hose of information overtook my note-taking abilities, and there are a lot of things to take notes about, particularly after the second and third viewing.”


(Testimonial 4 of 7)
This student felt that our FB Mastery Challenge removed perplexing obstacles.
“…If you’re a newbie, FMC may seem a little overwhelming but in my opinion, that overwhelm is your brain being wired to bypass all the costly and time-consuming mistakes, traps, and pitfalls you have to go through if you were to go it alone.”


(Testimonial 5 of 7)
This student is excited about strategies provided that will elevate his Facebook marketing game.
“…If you know your way around Facebook ads but never really got any traction, the FB Mastery Challenge provides what you need to take your results to the next level. If you want to get all your ducks lined up in a row, the FMC points them all in the same direction before you say GO!”


(Testimonial 6 of 7)
Here’s what a student had to say about the wealth of information presented in the FB Mastery Challenge.
“…And if you are a seasoned expert, which I am not, I predict you will find a few golden nuggets of actionable information and, if nothing else, reaffirm your expert status because geniuses think alike.”


(Testimonial 7 of 7)
This student discovered the missing link for successful Facebook advertising.
“…In a sentence, ‘I recommend the FB Mastery Challenge to anyone serious about succeeding with Facebook advertising.'”


How the 6 extra brand-building testimonial snippets would look on Facebook.

How would brand-building posts like these look on your Facebook page?

Part 3

Your Homework:

Take a look at your testimonials and see what you can come up with.  Remember, testimonials are the next best thing to a personal referral.  Actually, in many ways, testimonials are better because like in this workshop, you get to emphasize the most important parts of what a satisfied customer has said…and with spaced-repetition, you get to post testimonials over and over again—and sear your brand into the reader’s head.

No matter how you get your branded scenes, whether by 1) Staging the scene and doing all the tasks related to a photo-shoot, including taking a professional photo; or 2) Taking the time to find the right kind of picture and photoshop expert to turn it into a virtually branded scene; or 3) You simply grab a VBScenes 12-pack; from that point forward it is FREE to put them to work!

Your Action Plan:

Start with your testimonials and put your branded scenes to work ASAP.  Posting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linked In, or any major online platform is FREE!  The sooner you put them to work, the sooner your business will benefit from the “Lifetime Value of Branding.”

The “Lifetime Value of Branding” includes getting new customers and making it easy for them to become repeat customers, which is how you calculate the “Lifetime Value of a Customer.”

Use your custom branded scenes and turn your great testimonials into powerful and profitable brand-building testimonials.

“A REFERRAL tells one neighbor.  A TESTIMONIAL tells the whole neighborhood.”



This workshop uses 7 of the 12 virtually branded scenes in the VBScenes 12-pack bundle.

…and posting these custom scenes with your testimonials is just one example of how to use your branded scenes to improve your brand awareness, brand reinforcement, and brand recognition.

…and you are getting 3 versions of each scene, giving you 36 images in all so that you can post to all your social media and online platforms; and email one-offs or 12-step funnels; and a hi-res version for printing.

For more information about VBScenes, visit:


Special thanks to FB Mastery Challenge for allowing us to use their product in this workshop.

The product and the testimonial are 100% legit.

I know the product is real because I took the challenge, and I know the testimonial is real because I wrote it and meant every word.

Yes, at first, I was a little skeptical, but by the end of the challenge, I would recommend it to anyone who wants to master advertising on Facebook while avoiding expensive mistakes.

For more information about FMC, visit:

NOTE: You Do NOT Have to BE a Big Brand!

Just BE the Brand People Remember When They Want or Need What You Have to Offer.