How To Get A Steady Stream Of New Customers

Do the things you know already work!

Good artists copy, great artists steal.

—Pablo Picasso

What this means to you is, adopt what already works for other successful businesses.

Coke Uses Branded Scenes & Social Proof Marketing

“Major brands like Coke spend millions of dollars on market research to figure out the best images to use in their marketing campaigns.

From this multi-million dollar research, they have discovered scenes that feature their brand in a natural setting work best to attract and convert new customers.

This is How Coke Does It: (for $1000’s per scene)

Copy What Coke Does
*THE COCA-COLA COMPANY® and its logo(s) are owned by The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO).  The text with each scene is just one example of the many “social proof” signals the scene triggers.

You Can Use Branded Scenes & Social Proof Marketing Too


This is How You Can Do It: (for just $20.47 per scene)

When these virtually branded social proof scenes are branded with your website, each one connects your “compelling reasons to do business with you” messages with the first thing your new customers are likely to see at the start of doing business with you—YOUR WEBSITE!

You can post 12 *positive messages with these 12 virtually branded scenes.

*Positive messages can be testimonials, special offers, or other compelling reasons to do business with you.

NOTE:  Move slider to the left and right to see where your brand appears.

NOTE:  Move slider to the left and right to see where your brand appears.

NOTE:  All website screenshots will be replaced with your business website.  As you can see, a branded scene is much more effective than a stock photo.  It is one of the most powerful images you can use to market your business, beyond just Facebook.

You Can Leverage the Value of Each Virtually Branded Scene by Applying These WHY, WHAT and WHERE Tips.


  • The all to common problem of coming up with high quality, meaningful content is solved.

  • They are ready to post and reuse on the same account or multiple social media accounts.
  • Virtual branding lets people see YOUR BRAND in different environments – Social Proof in Action.
  • You’ll be using the same influence science Coke and others use to generate brand awareness.

  • It’s like big-budget Hollywood product placement advertising on a shoe-string budget.
  • They humanize your brand and create an emotional connection with your audience.

  • Brand loyalty starts with brand awareness. Virtually Branded scenes create brand recognition.


  • Post testimonials. A referral gives you one lead. Testimonials give you leads over and over again.
  • The most engaging types of posts we publish on our page are questions. People love giving input.
  • Get a good review? Say Thank You! This is a great reputation building post and spreads good will.

  • Post quick tips and advice – it’s a great way to position yourself as an expert in your industry.
  • Post inspiring or amusing quotes that will resonate with your target audience.
  • Post an insight. What type of amazing things do your clients discover when they work with you?

  • Read an interesting statistic or heard about a new study that relates to your industry? Post it with a VB Scene!


  • Use your VB scenes on Facebook to generate social proof because they are the 800 pound gorilla in the room.

  • Post on Facebook groups – they can have a powerful impact on users and your brand identity.

  • Use your VB scenes on your website. For example, put them side by side your testimonials.

  • Use as a Facebook cover image, creating brand recognition on the most important real estate on your page.

  • Reinforce your brand by including VB Scenes in your email marketing campaigns.
  • Posting VB Scenes on Linkedin will improve the visibility, credibility and success of your brand.

  • Post on any social sites your audience is on, using VB Scenes to expand brand awareness.

3-Step Risk-Free Guarantee!!!

3-Step Success Formula

Step 1: Write down 12 compelling reasons to do business with you.

Step 2: Get our 12 virtually branded scenes showing people using your brand.

Step 3: Post 1 reason with 1 scene, once a week, for 12 weeks.

Use our risk-free guarantee policy and get a 100% refund if you are not happy with the results.



Ok, what do you have to do and how much does it cost?

Simply Send Us Your Website Address &
You Get These 12 Customized Virtually Branded Scenes Featuring Your Website For Just $245!!!

Your Website Address Turns Into This:

Why You Should Use Website Branding

It Works Out Like This:

$588 ($49 X 12 scenes)
– $234 (40% VBS Bundle Discount)
– $100 (Portfolio Permission Discount)*



That’s ONLY $20.47 a Scene!

Get All 12 Scenes Today

* NOTE: Once we fill up our portfolio, the portfolio discount will go away.

With Each Virtually Branded Scene, you’re going to get:
1) a 1080HD JPG version that is optimized for Facebook (and all other popular social media platforms).
2) a 1080HD PNG version that is optimized for printing on flyers, postcards, and print ads.
3) a BONUS 720px JPG version that you can use as a header image in your email marketing campaigns.

We’re also going to give you more information about how to use your Virtually Branded Scenes and the science of influence on Facebook (and all social media platforms).

NOTE: The 1080HD JPG version can be used on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and all other popular social media platforms PLUS your Website and Blog. Even if you are not currently using all of these forms of marketing, you will now have the ability to take the plunge, if and when you are ready.

Order 12 Virtually Branded Scenes Today!!!


Use this form to take full advantage of all our discounts and get all 12 scenes for just $588 $245.
(that’s only $20.47 per customized scene)

    *Enter Your Website Address: (used to create your screenshot for the scenes)

    *Your Name:



    Special Request:  (If you have a slideshow in your Home page header, let us know which image to use.)

    I agree to allow VBS to use my 12 scenes in the VBS portfolio, to qualify for the Special $245 price.