12 of the Best Images You Can Use to Condition Prospects to Choose You!

Talk Directly To Your Prospects’ Brains & Transform Every Site Visit into a Potential Sale!

When a notorious bank robber was asked by the FBI why he robbed banks, the robber said, “Because that’s where the money is.”

Likewise — Why should you market your business on Facebook? “Because it’s the most cost-effective way to get in front of your target audience.”


The hardest part about Facebook marketing (aka social media marketing) is coming up with meaningful, quality content.  Our new Virtual Branding service delivers both meaningful and quality content, ready to post and reuse over and over again, on the same account or multiple social media accounts.

Virtual branding lets people see YOUR BRAND in different scenes they can relate to, without you having to actually take the time, effort, and expense of setting up a live photoshoot.  Virtual branding is exactly what you want to keep costs down while maintaining an active and meaningful social media presence.

Virtual Branding is powerful and effective because of a phenomenon known as “Social Proof”.  Social Proof is something we all use to help us make decisions.

For instance, if you see someone looking up, you might look up;  but if you see a group of people looking up, you will look up.

You see people using Social Proof in their decision-making all the time.  It all comes down to, there is comfort in numbers.

Virtual Branding + Testimonials = Social Proof

It’s like big-budget Hollywood product placement advertising on a shoe-string budget. A good example of product placement advertising is when you see a Coke can on the corner of a desk in a block-buster movie, it didn’t get there by accident.

With Virtually Branded Scenes, using your website as a realistic representation of your brand in the scene, you’re using the same influence science Coke, McDonalds and others use to generate:

  • Brand Building
  • Brand Awareness
  • Brand Reinforcement
  • Brand Recognition

Testimonials are more valuable than most people realize. Testimonials can be published. This means they can generate leads over and over again, and create the Social Proof you want everyone to see. The only problem is…

Finding a suitable image to post with a testimonial can be harder than getting the testimonial itself. Virtual Branding Scenes solves that problem not just once but forever.

How many testimonials or testimonial-like claims can you post about your business? It’s now easy to have high-quality scenes, featuring your brand, for everyone of them.

Social proof are the signals people get from groups of people like themselves, and they use those signals to help make decisions for themselves.  Kind of like, when is it okay to go out on the dance floor? It takes a group to get out there before most of us do.

Virtual Branding Scenes, embeds your website into high-quality imagery where people can find comfort and confidence seeing your brand in multiple “disposable income environments” like their own.

NOTE: Posting testimonials is just one way to increase business using the power of Social Proof.  When you get to the “Why, What, Where” section on this page, you will see several other ways to use Virtually Branded Scenes to create even more Social Proof and accelerate your brand recognition.

The Real Power of Just ONE Virtually Branded Scene.

Special Note:  You Get 3 Versions!!!

  1. One version you can use on any social media platform (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) or directly on your Website, blogs or user groups you belong to.
  1. Another version for you to use in any email marketing campaign.  Your VB scene is compatible with all the major email list management services (i.e. Get Response, Aweber, Constant Contact, Mail Chimp, etc.).
  1. And the 3rd version is a hi-res, hi-quality format that you can use on your print marketing (i.e. flyers, postcards, industry magazine & trade publication ads, etc.)


Put your VB scene to use within minutes of receiving it!

This is one of the biggest reasons why we created our VBScenes service.  VBScenes is a “Take Action Today!” service.  This means as soon as you receive your virtually branded scene, you can put it to use immediately.

Not only that but you now have a hi-quality image in your marketing library that you can use over and over again.

3 Examples of ‘What to Post’ in 10 minutes…. and from now on.

1) SP (Social Proof) aka Testimonials

Don’t waste a testimonial on a generic picture.  A testimonial is a feel good moment about your business.  Instead of a generic picture, use a scene that ties the moment to your brand.

Testimonials post ideas:

To set the readers frame of mind, you can start a Testimonial post with something like this:

  • “Another customer shares a success story…”
  • “Another satisfied customer shares a success story…”
  • “Another satisfied customer…”
  • “Another well done job…”

2) USP (Unique Selling Proposition) Messages

If you can’t remember your USP off the top of your head, it should be on the tip of your tongue, reference your About page on your website for content ideas.  If you don’t have post worthy content on your “About” page, it’s time to update it as well — with your USP in mind.

USP post ideas:

Your USP should be a unique claim that sets you apart from your competition.

  • Company Name is the only company that provides ____________ and we’re not satisfied until you are.
  • Company Name has been providing ____________ since 1996.
  • When it comes to quality and speed, you can’t beat Company Name’s track record. Check out our testimonials.

3) CTA (Call-To-Action) Website Invites

If you don’t have an attention getting image related to the reason to visit your site, an image with your website embedded into the scene is the perfect image to use when inviting someone to visit your site.

CTA Website Invite post ideas:

Whenever possible and appropriate, tell your prospect what to do next.  Invite your prospects to visit a landing page on your site, where you can say a lot more than you can in a social media post.  This is where you can further educate (and qualify) your lead.

  • “New Product” is coming, for all the details visit: http://your-page.com
  • … check out our Testimonials at http://your-page.com/testimonials

Here is what the 3 types of posts would look like in Facebook.

Re-Use the same VB Scene & Testimonial on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

To get the biggest bang for the buck from this single image, you can take the 3 types of post examples we just used in Facebook and simply post one or all of them on any of the popular social media platforms.  For example here’s the exact same “virtually branded scene + testimonial” posted 3 more times…

You can use the same “VB Scene & Posts” Directly on Your Website or Blog.

For even more bang for the buck, use the same image and posts directly on your Website or Blog.  And if you belong to any user groups, you can post your VB scene and get your brand seen there too.

Since It’s Under Your Control — BRAND IT!!!

A single VB Scene can be used for everything mentioned above and it can be used as a cover or header image on your different social media accounts too.  Although they are not the perfect size, they almost look like they are.

The biggest image most of your visitors will see is under your control.  It’s called “Cover Image” on Facebook, “Header Image” on Twitter and “Background Photo” on LinkedIn,  and since it’s under your control BRAND IT!!!

Now That You’ve Seen What You Can Do With a Single VB Scene…

Imagine Your Website in These Virtually Branded Scenes

With These 12 Scenes You Have Enough “High-Quality Visual Content” For
Months Of Posts!













Virtually Branded Scenes

It’s like big-budget Hollywood product placement advertising on a shoe-string budget.

Be Seen Chill-Laxing

Add your branding to a relaxing scene to let people know, dealing with you is stress-free.

Be Seen Being Used

Your Virtually Branded scene with someone using your site, creates call-to-action Social Proof.

Be Seen Ready To Serve

Brand loyalty starts with brand awareness. Use Virtually Branded scenes to create brand recognition.

Be Seen In Home Offices

Can someone in an office like this use your product?  Create Social Proof by showing others looking at your site.

Be Seen Being Shared

Use scenes showing your website being shared, to inspire others to also share and add to your Social Proof.

Be Seen Virtually Everywhere

You want to be seen everywhere because that is at the core of “the science of Social Proof.”

She’s Sharing Your Website

Showing your site being shared is a great form of Social Proof, giving your brand more credibility.

He’s Looking, While Playing Outdoors

Be seen at work and at play, in as many environments as your preferred customers can relate to.

She’s Looking at Your Site @ Work

Do people look at your site at work?  Then use a Virtually Branded scene to create relate-able Social Proof.

You’re Everywhere = Social Proof

The more your brand is seen in quality surroundings, the more Social Proof you are creating.

He’s Looking At Your Site

Do you prefer customers with disposable income? Show your brand in disposable income environments.

spaced repetition branding

NOTE: All website screenshots will be replaced with your business website.  As you can see, a branded scene is much more effective than a stock photo.  It is one of the most powerful images you can use to market your business, beyond just Facebook.

In these scenes, we use your website as your brand because it looks the most natural. To take full advantage of the power of social proof, your goal is to create a realistic scene your potential customers can relate to.

You Can Leverage the Value of Each Virtually Branded Scene by Applying These WHY, WHAT and WHERE Tips.


  • The all to common problem of coming up with high quality, meaningful content is solved.

  • They are ready to post and reuse on the same account or multiple social media accounts.
  • Virtual branding lets people see YOUR BRAND in different environments – Social Proof in Action.
  • You’ll be using the same influence science Coke and others use to generate brand awareness.

  • It’s like big-budget Hollywood product placement advertising on a shoe-string budget.
  • They humanize your brand and create an emotional connection with your audience.

  • Brand loyalty starts with brand awareness. Virtually Branded scenes create brand recognition.


  • Post testimonials. A referral gives you one lead. Testimonials give you leads over and over again.
  • The most engaging types of posts we publish on our page are questions. People love giving input.
  • Get a good review? Say Thank You! This is a great reputation building post and spreads good will.

  • Post quick tips and advice – it’s a great way to position yourself as an expert in your industry.
  • Post inspiring or amusing quotes that will resonate with your target audience.
  • Post an insight. What type of amazing things do your clients discover when they work with you?

  • Read an interesting statistic or heard about a new study that relates to your industry? Post it with a VB Scene!


  • Use your VB scenes on Facebook to generate social proof because they are the 800 pound gorilla in the room.

  • Post on Facebook groups – they can have a powerful impact on users and your brand identity.

  • Use your VB scenes on your website. For example, put them side by side your testimonials.

  • Use as a Facebook cover image, creating brand recognition on the most important real estate on your page.

  • Reinforce your brand by including VB Scenes in your email marketing campaigns.
  • Posting VB Scenes on Linkedin will improve the visibility, credibility and success of your brand.

  • Post on any social sites your audience is on, using VB Scenes to expand brand awareness.


Option 1:
The Photo Shoot

Cost: $200 to $500 ea.
Money = High
Time = High
Effort = High

To shoot a scene like our Virtually Branded Scenes would cost $200 to $500 per scene depending on how much setup and staging is required, and the cost of a professional photographer with all the right gadgets (i.e. camera lenses, lighting equipment, etc.), and skill set to use them. This is not a cost-effective way to create content for your social media marketing campaigns. Not to mention someone has to figure out what scenes to shoot and the locations.

Shooting scenes from scratch is NOT a viable option because of the cost and the time and effort it will take before you have a single image to post.

Option 2:
Modified Stock Photo

Cost: $75 to $150 ea.
Money = Med
Time = High
Effort = Med

You could buy a photo from a stock photo site. Each high-quality photo, in the right size range, will cost you $5 to $20. But that’s not your biggest cost when it comes to this option. The real cost is the time it takes to find and decide which photo to purchase, which typically takes 45 to 60 minutes if you are being somewhat thorough. Then, if you don’t have the Photoshop skills to embed your branding into the photo, you’ll have to find someone that does.

Buying and customizing a photo is NOT the best option either. Although it’s cheaper than going the photo shoot route, it will still cost you anywhere from $75 to $150 per scene, plus the time and effort it takes to find the photo and someone to embed your branding, because you likely don’t have the Photoshop skills to do it yourself.

NOTE: With both Option 1 & 2 you need to make sure you are dealing with someone that understands ‘best practice’ settings to optimize (resize, crop and compress) your photo for social media marketing. An optimized photo is one that ends up looking great and downloading fast — this is what you want for the best possible end-user experience.


Option 3:
VBScenes Service

Costs: $49 ea.
Money = Low
Time = Low
Effort = Low


With Option 1 going for $200-$500 per scene and Option 2 going for $75-$150 per scene, both options cost you a lot of Your Money, Your Time, and Your Effort.

We created our Virtually Branded Scenes to lower all three of those costs. $49 delivers a turn-key scene that is ready to use as soon as you receive it.  You can literally put it to work within minutes of receiving it.

Pair the perfect image with the perfect message and you’ll have the perfect post online in less than 10 minutes!

Also, with Each Virtually Branded Scene, you’re going to get:
1) a 1080HD JPG version that is optimized for Facebook (and all other popular social media platforms).
2) a 1080HD PNG version that is optimized for printing on flyers, postcards, and print ads.
3) a BONUS 720px JPG version that you can use as a header image in your email marketing campaigns.

We’re also going to give you more information about how to use your Virtually Branded Scene and the science of influence on Facebook (and all social media platforms).

NOTE: The 1080HD JPG version can be used on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and all other popular social media platforms PLUS your Website and Blog. Even if you are not currently using all of these forms of marketing you will now have the ability to take the plunge if and when you are ready.


Option 1

(@ $500 per scene)

$500 X 12 scenes =


+ Time and Effort considerations

Things you must provide:
• Professional Photographer
• Scene Direction (preferences)
• Scene Location
• Scene Props
• Photoshop Expert
• Hi-Res Website Screenshot

Option 2

(@ $150 per scene)

$150 X 12 scenes =


+ Time and Effort considerations

Things you must provide:
Stock Photo (time to search)
• Photoshop Expert
• Hi-Res Website Screenshot

Option 3 (VBS)

(@ $49 per scene)

$49 X 12 scenes =


+ Time and Effort considerations

Things you must provide:
• Just Your Website Address

Don’t even pay $588

Scroll Down to
SAVE an Additional $334

3-Step Risk-Free Guarantee!!!

3-Step Success Formula

Step 1: Write down 12 compelling reasons to do business with you.

Step 2: Get our 12 virtually branded scenes showing people using your brand.

Step 3: Post 1 reason with 1 scene, once a week, for 12 weeks.

Use our risk-free guarantee policy and get a 100% refund if you are not happy with the results.


You can easily do Step 1 and Step 3; here’s how to quickly take care of Step 2.


Ok, what do you have to do and how much does it cost?

Simply Send Us Your Website Address &
You Get These 12 Customized Virtually Branded Scenes Featuring Your Website For Just $588 $245!!!

Your Website Address Turns Into This:

Why You Should Use Website Branding

It Works Out Like This:

$588 ($49 X 12 scenes)
– $234 (40% VBS Bundle Discount)
– $100 (Portfolio Permission Discount)*



That’s ONLY $20.47 a Scene!

Get All 12 Scenes Today

* NOTE: Once we fill up our portfolio, the portfolio discount will go away.

With Each Virtually Branded Scene, you’re going to get:
1) a 1080HD JPG version that is optimized for Facebook (and all other popular social media platforms).
2) a 1080HD PNG version that is optimized for printing on flyers, postcards, and print ads.
3) a BONUS 720px JPG version that you can use as a header image in your email marketing campaigns.

We’re also going to give you more information about how to use your Virtually Branded Scenes and the science of influence on Facebook (and all social media platforms).

NOTE: The 1080HD JPG version can be used on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and all other popular social media platforms PLUS your Website and Blog. Even if you are not currently using all of these forms of marketing, you will now have the ability to take the plunge, if and when you are ready.

Order 12 Virtually Branded Scenes Today!!!


Use this form to take full advantage of all our discounts and get all 12 scenes for just $588 $245.
(that’s only $20.47 per customized scene)

    *Enter Your Website Address: (used to create your screenshot for the scenes)

    *Your Name:



    Special Request:  (If you have a slideshow in your Home page header, let us know which image to use.)

    I agree to allow VBS to use my 12 scenes in the VBS portfolio, to qualify for the Special $245 price.

    “It only takes 10 minutes a week, and in 12 weeks, we guarantee you’ll be impressed with the results.”

    *We’ve offered our Risk-FREE Guarantee for over 2 years, and we’ve NEVER had a refund request!